October 14, 2024
They want control of my body.
I can't control my body most days.
They want me on SSRI's
Because my mind can't comprehend this institution that was placed in front of me.
Since before I could walk,
Or cry.
They want to control my womb.
They want me to have children, but only their way.
They want me to have children, but do they want my child when I am a woman out of control?
When the SSRI's aren't enough, they don't want my child,
But they want me to care for it.
Will they pop a pill in her mouth as well?
What kind of authority do we have when the authoritative heads want control of our skin and bones?
Our insides and our "what ifs".
I'd like to plan my future,
Not have it chosen for me by some old man
Who would rather objectify the thought of me
Than give a damn about what that does to me.
They want control of my body
And although I can't control it most days
They'll have to tear myself from my cold dead skin
To take control of me.