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  • Writer's pictureHannah Pegg

Road Kill Pt. 1 & 2

Bile bubbles in my throat

Foaming at my lips

But will not escape past yellowed canines

My mind thrashes against its rotten shell

Snot melds with salty tears

Can't go home.

There is no home.

Just four walls unhappily domesticated

I take a sedative and lie completely still

My weary bones atop unruly concrete

Headlights illuminate wounded skin

Like a feral animal pounded to pavement

I lie a minute more..

Rotted organs under skin and bones

Twisting and turning

In their warm pool of filth

Lie in your bed of flowers

Decompose underneath the spring’s sweet smelling nectar's

Rotted organs sustain ecosystems

Take mine from my body

And prove them useful.

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